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Cassidy + Ryan ~ Engagement

JUNE 1, 2019

You want to know what I love? I love it when couples do something unique for their engagement session! Not only do I love it when they select unique locations and ideas for their shoot, I also love it when these ideas and locations have sentimental value. Ryan's family owns Nelson Granite in Vermilion Bay, and we started the session there.

When we got out of the vehicles, Cassidy gave me a hug and

I love hugs! I've never been inside the quarry, so it was very exciting for me and wish I had more time to explore it and hike around but the sun was setting and we had to move along quickly to get to our next location but it was here that we got some great photos of them and a few with their dog Sarge.

After that, they went to drop off their dog and as I was driving to the next location, I found a tick crawling on my leg. How hard is it not to freak out while driving?! SO HARD!

Arriving at the next location, (where I quickly killed the tick), we hiked the trail behind Fort Vermilion and when we got to the top of the hill, I realized I had my sunset calculations in my head wrong. The sun was setting behind us instead of beside. What I thought was Hwy. 17, was actually Hwy. 105. - Note to self, use the app a fellow photographer told me about that gives all the information! - We made the most of the location and decided to drive off into the sunset so to speak. We made our way to the dock and even though the sun wasn't setting there either, the water was calm and it was a perfect place to end the session.

It was so great to finally meet Cassidy & Ryan and it was an honor to be a part of their engagement session, but it will also be such an honor to be a part of their wedding day in September. It will be here before we know it and I can’t wait!

I had to put her engagement ring on granite!

Does NW Ontario get any better than this? Thank you for a beautiful evening Cassidy & Ryan!

Love, Michelle

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